I think wuthering waves will be fine. It's the first true open world game since Genshin impact, and was released before the open world trend started to go down in China, tower of fantasy doesnt count since it an mmo, anyway wuthering waves has established a very strong and large foothold with its player base. Upcoming open world games like infinity will have a hard time gaining a player base due to the trend of open world games not being as popular as they were with genshin and wuthering waves - 167-Id:b88902025-01-10 (金) 17:46:20[!]#
The PlayStation 5 version appears to be doing very good in sales, remaining in second place on the best-sellers list for seven days already - 231-Id:b88902025-01-09 (木) 04:53:36[!]#
PlayStation 5版は売れ行き好調のようで、ベストセラーリストで依然として2位となっている。 - 156-Id:b88902025-01-09 (木) 04:51:34[!]#